layout by bahiyahnor
resources at weheartit
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Have not blogged for quite some time. :x
Been very active in twitter though :)

My results?
Definitely not up to my standards. Certainly hope that I will stop with all the procrastination already. :/

Glad that my maths grade improved though. :B


Westspring held Sports Day for the first time at CCK stadium on 27oct.
Super hot day.
Participated in the 4x100 race~


Went to teckwhyesecondary today, for a design symposium thing. will be going on 5nov again.
The Singaporean designer that gave us the talk(?) was Casey Chen, his works are really cool/awesome :o
Learnt and got inspired from this course. :)

Have to bring something next week for show and tell though, =____=
still have no idea what I'm going to bring there..


Having a biology excursion on the 31st! :)


Currently looking for a part-time job with flexible hours, so please inform me if you have any recommendations! :)

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